By following a few steps, players can enable full camera control to see all of the finely crafted details present in XCOM 2. Today we’re showing how PC players can experience XCOM 2 from the ground level. The designers at Firaxis have carefully added a host of little details that players might not ever see, all adding towards making the Avenger and the world of XCOM feel like a real, lived-in, dystopic universe.

XCOM 2 Commanders are used to getting a bird’s eye view of the action, watching over their soldiers and the Avenger from a tactically advantageous distance. Here are screenshots from various Shell options, courtesy of Capyvara on the Nexus Forums.Experiencing XCOM 2 from a New Perspective The Final Shell Menu restores the vanilla game menu interface, including the Exit button. There are a number of different menu options with the Developer Shell. See the article Developer Console - XCOM:EU 2012 for instructions on how to enable the Console.

However, by design the ToolBoks implementation of the Developer Shell does NOT include the Developer Console, to prevent abuse in Multi-Player games. In addition, it is a recommended mod installer listed in Modding Tools - XCOM:EU 2012 and required by many modlets. ToolBoks is recommended, both as easier to implement (merely a toggle selection) and more current. Mod Unlock developer features by Capyvara.

There are two simple methods to implement the EU Developer Shell: Info below is derived from these threads on the Nexus XCOM Forum: NOTE: a modded game is not to be expected to work in Multiplayer mode, as the use of the mods like the Shell capabilities is actively prohibited by 'phone home' background function. This article is about how to enable the Shell. For information about the Console, see Developer Console - XCOM:EU 2012.

The Console (sometimes called the debug console) is a command line prompt that appears at the very bottom of the screen in game and accepts SOME Console Commands.The Shell becomes part of the User Interface (UI) of the Main Menu.There are two primary developer features available: the Shell and the Console.